Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Granny's Rinse Adventures

Here is a short story that I created recently; towards the end of 2011. I really had some fun with this one...

Before entering into Granny’s world, we need to know about the institution of colour rinses often self administered by a large portion of the population of British Granny’s.
This is a whole culture in itself and has been going on since around… probably the fifties…(I need some help here, we are not only talking about Britain). A range of purples, mauves, indigo’s, blues and pinks adorn the heads of many street folk. Adventures lie in this place; we could call it a pass-time…OR even a phenomenon…or perhaps we could just not call it anything.
I hope this story might half take you there…what I do know, is that I may not have captured the dignity that it deserves.

Domestic Bliss: preview (episode one)

These are the first fifteen pages of my mammoth graphic novel adventure. I undertook an M.A. Illustration to get the groundwork for this project in place.
I got the first episode complete, in print and on book shelves at the end of the summer 2010...

The front cover is an illustration completed at the end of 2007 with pen and ink and watercolour. The rest of the pages are created in the same way, though I have chosen a tonal code. Colours enter into the visual narrative at occasional moments.

That's it for now folks!

The Dilemmas of Mr Hopeso

This was created at the end of the summer of 2009, and was also entered it into The Observer: graphic short story competition. It was not a winner, oh well!